Monday, December 11, 2006

Colorado Pastor Paul Barnes Comes Out

We thank Darren Main for sending this our way...people have asked if we'll be sending our movie to Ted Haggard and now Pastor Barnes so they can have the opportunity to reconcile sooner than later. We are showing them our support and encouragement, the same that is open to everyone. And yes, we will be sending them the movie once the wound isn't so open and they aren't in a total state of shock here around the holidays. Pastor Barnes' remarks, feelings and experiences are not at all unusual, I'm so thankful he's shown courage and honesty with himself and the world. He'll now be able to be an even better pastor, man and human being fitting into his own skin...finally!

"I have struggled with homosexuality since I was a 5-year-old boy. ... I can't tell you the number of nights I have cried myself to sleep, begging God to take this away." -- Pastor Paul Barnes

Check out the story

From Darren Main:
For the second time in as many months, another Colorado Evangelical pastor has stepped down for being gay. Considering the fact that Pastor Barnes has been asking God to change his sexual orientation since he was five with no effect, he might want to consider that it is not God who is conflicted about his sexuality. I hope he will find peace with who God created him to be.

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