Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Talk with Bishop John Shelby Spong Thurs June 7th

So, if you were on the fantastic call with Darlene Bogle and Dotti Berry last Thursday, this is old news but if you couldn't make it, check out the recorded call in our archives.

The big news is our next guest on God, Gays & You is Episcopalian Bishop John Shelby Spong. Having such a voice in the reconciliation movement at our conference in Nashville August 3/4, we thought it was perfect timing to have him as our guest for Pride Month. Spong is an ally champion sticking his neck out to religious leaders by ordaining the first openly gay minister in the Episcopalian church, Rev. Gene Robinson. He's the voice for millions of Christians who do reconcile faith and sexuality and look for ways to be empowered in their church to stand up and speak up about what's right, living God's unconditional love, the basic foundation of faith. His exegesis debates bring thousands. He's currently on a book tour for his new book, Jesus for the Non-Religious.

From Spong's website: He is the author of 15 books including the bestselling Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, Living in Sin, Liberating the Gospels, Why Christianity Must Change or Die, and his latest book The Sins of Scripture. History will recognize him as one of the major change agents in modern Christianity.

Be sure you're on our e-blast list (sign up right now, look at the right column for the subscription box) to get the phone number and access code to be on the call. Think of a question you'd like to ask Bishop Spong and email it to us in advance. Questions will be asked in the order we receive them so the sooner you send in your questions the better.

It's free to join us on the call. Spread the word to your family, friends and colleagues and get on the e-blast list. We'll talk to you on Thursday, June 7th 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern!

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